Far too many models start their careers without ever figuring out their unique brand and their success strategy, and it’s nothing but struggle after that. This tutorial will walk you through the same process I use in my hugely popular class to figure out your must-follow style and story, business plan your page, and optimize your profiles, so you can succeed!
My Story Module includes:
My “Find Your Story So You Can Slay” Tutorial, which walks you through the “development process” that every major star and hit movie goes through in order to enter the market and make it big.
My “Finding Your Story” worksheet where you’ll identify your Five Facets and your Energy Triangle, as well as formulate your Story Bio and your Magic Device.
My “Business Planning Your Page” guide where I walk you thru the various steps of determining how your Social Media Empire will beat the competition.
My “Mini Business Plan for Social Media Models” where you’ll finalize your assets, your ideal follower, your biggest competitors and collaborators, and your monetization plan.
My “Optimize Your Profile” tutorial that walks you through the important steps of making sure the who, what, where, why, and how of all your profiles lead to maximum follower conversion and fan revenue.
Get the Story Module and start your Social Media Empire off on the right foot!